Windows 10 breaches French law by collecting too much personal information from users, according to the French National Data Protection Commission (CNIL).根据法国国家数据保护委员会回应,微软公司Win10系统搜集了过于多的用户隐私数据,违背了法国的法律。Some of the privacy failings identified can be remedied by users willing to delve deep into the Windows 10 settings, but one of the commissions gripes is that better privacy should be the default setting, not one users must fight for.了解理解Windows 10设置的用户需要修正部分隐私问题,但CNIL的反感之一是,更佳的隐私维护应该是默认设置,而非让用户手动设置。By default, Windows 10 collects various data on how it is used - this includes what apps are installed and how much time is spent within them, for example.在配置文件情况下,Win10不会搜集用户们用于的各种数据--举例来说,还包括加装了什么应用程序,在应用程序上花费了多少时间等。
Microsoft is collecting excessive data, as these data are not necessary for the operation of the service, said the CNIL.法国国家数据保护委员回应:“微软公司正在搜集过多的数据,因为这些数据并不是Win10服务系统所必需的。”Microsoft also failed to protect user data sufficiently, it said, by allowing users to secure their Microsoft accounts containing their purchase history and their means of payment with a PIN consisting of just four digits, and by allowing unlimited attempts to unlock the account.此外,微软公司没充份的维护用户数据。