You know there is trouble when Tony Robbins, the tirelessly upbeat Mr. Motivation, is sulking.当你看见托尼·罗宾斯(Tony Robbins)这个不知疲倦、总有一天悲观的励志大师深感沮丧,你就告诉的确出有问题了。But there he was on Twitter, lamenting the prospect of yet another torment in the hell of modern air travel: people talking on cellphones. The Federal Communications Commission is considering letting passengers use their phones while flying, and Mr. Robbins — and a lot of other people — are not happy.可是罗宾斯才是就在Twitter上,嗟叹着“现代航空地狱”有可能经常出现的另一种篦人酷刑:乘客打电话。联邦通信委员会(Federal Communications Commission,全称FCC)正在考虑到容许乘客在飞机飞行中时打电话。
罗宾斯和其他许多人都很不高兴。Do we really need this!? Mr. Robbins, the motivational speaker, wrote in response to the news.罗宾斯这位励志演说家对此这则新闻时写到,“我们知道必须这个吗?”Others were more blunt. My inbox was flooded with angry messages. I already hate my fellow passengers — this would only make it worse, one reader wrote. A petition was created on the White House website to rally the quiet-cabin camp.其他人的口气更为隐晦,我的收件箱里也接到了大量气愤的言论。
The reaction was the opposite of the mostly celebratory, Twitter-tape parade that marched through social media last month when the Federal Aviation Administration finally relented and agreed to let passengers read on their devices, surf the web and check emails during takeoff and landing. For many, the takeaway seems to be this: Let the guy squeezed next to me read quietly on a Kindle? No problem. Let him drone away in my ear? No way.这种反应与联邦航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration,全称FAA)上个月再一放松要求,容许乘客在飞机降落和迫降时在设备上读者、网际网路、查收电子邮件时,大多数人都回应庆典、在社交媒体上奔走相告的反应大相径庭。对很多人来说,故事的重点或许是:抓起塞进我旁边座位的那个家伙想要在Kindle上静静读书?没问题。让他在我耳边嘟嘟囔囔?没门。
So why is the F.C.C. proposing something many people dont seem to want? The agency is, in fact, trying to give us what we want: access to data while flying. One byproduct, however, is that people would, or could, also be able to make calls. But it may be difficult for people to get what many want — access to cellular data on flights — without getting what many dont want — the occasional Chatty Cathy in 21B.那么FCC为什么要明确提出一项许多人或许并不讨厌的措施呢?实质上这个部门是在企图给我们想的东西:飞行中时需要用于数据。然而这种作法的副产品就是,人们也某种程度需要打电话。
但要想要让人们获得他们想的(在飞机上用于蜂窝数据),同时防止他们不想的(有时候经常出现在21B座位上的大嘴婆)有可能很难。It isnt a done deal. The F.C.C. has not issued a formal ruling, and commission officials declined to comment for this article. But an earlier statement from the F.C.C.s chairman, Tom Wheeler, echoed the concerns that people like Mr. Robbins are voicing.这件事还没定案。
FCC并没发布命令月的要求,委员会的官员也拒绝接受为这篇文章拒绝接受专访。不过FCC主席汤姆·惠勒(Tom Wheeler)在较早前公布的声明中,对此了像罗宾斯这样的人所传达的疑虑。We understand that many passengers would prefer that voice calls not be made on airplanes. I feel that way myself, Mr. Wheeler said. Ultimately, if the F.C.C. adopts the proposal in the coming months, it will be airlines decisions, in consultation with their customers, as to whether to permit voice calls while airborne.“我们解读许多乘客期望在飞机上不要打电话。我本人也是这样想要的,”惠勒说道。
“如果FCC在未来几个月接纳这个建议,最后还是要由航空公司在咨询消费者之后,要求否容许在飞行中过程中电话电话。”The F.C.C. provided me with documents and filings that help explain how this issue has evolved. The rules about using cellphones on planes date to the early 90s, when phones were the size of milk cartons. Those devices, coupled with the weak electrical insulation in aircrafts, created crackly interference for pilots, so they were quickly banned. In 2007, the F.C.C. opened an internal review about whether to lift the rules, but safety concerns were still an issue, and the proposal was shelved.FCC向我获取了一些文档和递交的文件,有助说明这个议题的转化成。牵涉到在飞机上用于手机的规章始自上世纪90年代初期,当时的手机还和砖头一样大。
那些设备,再行再加飞机上脆弱的电绝缘技术,对飞行员产生了噪音阻碍,因此手机被很快停止使用。2007年,FCC对否中止这些规章积极开展了内部审查会,但安全性方面的忧虑依然是一个问题,于是建议被不了了之了。Now, as the F.A.A.s revision of its rules on using devices during takeoff and landing illustrate, todays gadgets and planes are made for each other. In many respects, the F.C.C. is looking out for consumers, trying to give people the opportunity to connect to data on a cellphone rather than pay for costly — and often laboriously slow — Wi-Fi available on airplanes.现在,就像FAA修改其规章,容许在飞机民航机时用于电子设备所表明的,今天的电子设备和飞机经过设计可以相互相容。在很多方面,FCC是在维护消费者权益,让人们有机会在手机上相连数据,而不是用于飞机上获取的便宜且较慢的Wi-Fi。
As is often the case with technology, the United States is trailing other parts of the world on this issue. The European Union began enabling airlines to permit cellphone and data use in 2008. As will be the case in the United States if the rules change, the European Union left it to airlines to choose which components of a cell service to make active during flights.就像科技领域常常再次发生的那样,在这个问题上美国也领先于世界其他国家。欧盟在2008年就开始批准后航空公司让乘客在飞机上用于手机和移动数据。
就像规章转变后美国的情形一样,欧盟让航空公司自由选择在飞行中过程中容许移动电话服务的哪些部分。In Europe, Virgin Atlantic allows unlimited data connections, but it lets only six people talk on a cellphone at once. Some Lufthansa flights allow data connections through a cellphone, but no phone calls. Emirates lets an unlimited number of passengers talk on their phones — though few apparently do. How is it working so far? A study by the F.A.A. in 2012 found no reports of air rage or flight attendant interference related to passengers using cellphones on aircraft in other countries.在欧洲,维珍大西洋(Virgin Atlantic)容许无限的数据相连,但只容许六个人同时打电话。汉莎航空(Lufthansa)的一些航班容许通过手机相连数据,但不容许打电话。
The change here, if it comes, will not happen overnight. Theres a long process to go through first.即使美国的规章变动需要获得批准后,变化也会一夜之间来临,首先还必须经过很长的过程。Once the F.C.C. issues its opinion, it would be up to the F.A.A., the airlines, or both, to decide whether to roll out services, said Angela Giancarlo, a lawyer at Mayer Brown and a former F.C.C. official. Then, as in Europe, the airlines would be able to decide whether to allow data services, voice services, neither or both. Most important, pilots and stewards would have a kill switch, so if someone is talking too much, his or her phone could be shut off from the cockpit.孖士打律师行(Mayer Brown)律师、前FCC官员安吉拉·吉安卡洛(Angela Giancarlo)回应,“FCC公布意见之后,就不会由FAA或航空公司,或是双方来要求否发售服务。
”之后就像在欧洲一样,航空公司还可以要求容许数据服务还是语音服务,两者都不容许还是两者都容许。最重要的是,飞行员和乘务员手里有“终极电源”,如果有人打电话打过于多,飞行员可以在驾驶舱里屏蔽他的手机。There is no quiet car at 30,000 feet, Senator Edward J. Markey, a Massachusetts Democrat and member of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, wrote in an email. Staying connected and entertained by checking email and playing a game on your phone is one thing, but loud, intrusive phone calls would strain the social compact we all enter into when we board a plane.马萨诸塞州民主党参议员,参议院商业、科学及运输委员会(Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee)成员爱德华·J·马基(Edward J. Markey)在一封电子邮件中写到,“在3万英尺的高空可没分开的‘宁静车厢。
在手机上查邮件、玩游戏,跟人维持联络或者展开娱乐是一回事儿,可是大声打电话阻碍别人,却不会对我们攀上飞机后联合转入的社会空间包含阻碍。”So what happens next? On Dec. 12, the F.C.C. proposal will be presented to its commissioners. If approved, it will then be put online for a public comment. Thats when everyone — airlines and passengers alike — can voice their opinions.下一步不会再次发生什么?12月12日,FCC的建议就不会递交给委员们辩论。
如果获得批准后,就不会在网上征询公众意见。到时候所有人都可以传达观点,还包括航空公司和乘客。But, travelers, think carefully. Say no to cellphone use, and you lose that data connection on your iPad and smartphone at 30,000 feet. And that is what many of you have been asking for all along. You might have to sit next to Chatty Cathy. But at least you will be able to tweet about it.但是请求各位乘客严肃考虑到。